Oh, in case you think this is something like the previous one that chris sang.. DONT WORRY. This is professional one. Haha. =)
I think the highlight is the male singer.. the drums are sub-par, piano is normal, female singer is standard good singer. heh. so just listen for the male singer.
Click here to download the song!

Size: 4.65MB
Runtime: 5:04
(if clicking doesn't save the song in your com, just right click and save target as ... )
this picture looks quite bad. haha sorry dan.
The lyrics quite long, so instead of posting here, i shall link you to them. Here you go
To commend/criticize the male singer, leave a comment by clicking on the 'Comments' link at the bottom of this post!!
Special thanks to teddy for hosting it again and helping me boost the volume of the audio file.. it was initially very soft. He is really damn pro. haha. =)
dear tv junkie/bestfriend, it's kinda boring without you around~ :/